
Smile When You Feel Stress

So far, there is a presumption smile can make a person relax and relieve stress. Apparently this assumption is not a figment, because a smile can really make your stress disappear.

Scientists reveal smiling can actually make a person feel better. Psychologist Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas to investigate the potential benefits of smiling.

"Smiling is not only important to the nonverbal indicators of happiness, but also be a panacea to overcome the stress of life," Kraft said, as quoted from Timesofindia, Tuesday (04/09/2012).

The smile was divided into 2 categories: standard smile using the muscles around the mouth, as well as genuine or Duchenne smile involves the muscles around the mouth and eyes.

Results of research conducted shows smile can really affect a person's physical condition. People who smile have a lower heart rate after an activity that makes it stressful.

The findings, reported in the journal Association for Psychological Science is proving a quick smile when stress can help reduce the intensity of the body's stress response, regardless of whether the person really feel happy or not.

Smiles were done also to fool the body so helping someone change his mood for the better. Thus, the stress will be reduced and better able to take action.

"Therefore, if you are stuck in traffic jams or experiencing stress due to something else, try holding her face and smiling for a moment. This not only makes your stress is reduced but also helps improve heart health," said Kraft.

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