Lived since birth or even settle in an area for a long time, people are usually proficient with the language area. So also when the opportunity to live abroad, foreign language skills also honed.
If he did not have an opportunity to stay in a particular region or country, opportunities in foreign language and can also be trained Sar. One way is to follow a language course. Maybe for the local language, because it is rare or almost no place courses, taught by you can ask friends or relatives who are proficient in the area.
As with learning a foreign language. There have been many places that offer foreign language courses so you can easily get access to learning foreign languages. for some people, learning a foreign language may aim to attend school or work in the destination country.
While for some people to learn a foreign language lainnyam a pastime. "At first I took German for fun. Make own interest to be able to chat with a friend who lives in Germany. Gradually, I felt good too so learning a new language," said Betty.
Indeed, the first 32-year-old woman found it difficult to be able to follow the lessons in German. Fortunately, he never gave up. All the difficulties he perceived as a challenge.
"To be more proficient, I buy a CD of German. Be in my spare time, I listen to the CD while opening a dictionary German," said the accountant.
Cognitive better
Listen to the CD in German and eventually became me time course for Betty. In fact, to facilitate kemampun, Betty did not hesitate to send an email to temnnay living in Frankfurt, Germany. Occasionally he berskype with friends and chatting in German.
Studying a foreign language as an adult is not as easy as a child. In The Chart CNN Health explained that the problem is not the brain. Social conditions, education and other circumstances have indeed different when adults are exposed to a foreign language. Unlike children, adults are not able to devote so much time and attention when learning a new language.
That's why, when I started learning the language in middle or advanced age, it is likely to be very fluent in the new language to be low. But learning a foreign bases in adulthood does not mean then you do not benefit.
Every little thing you do, in learning a foreign language, for example, in fact, may help protect against the risk of cognitive decline. It was also confirmed by the experts.
Mind active
According to Ellen Bialstok from York University in Toronto Ontario Canada: "When the human body begins to naturally decline due to the aging process, they seem to keep bilingual speakers can maintain better cognitive function."
Bialstok and his colleagues have been studying and encountering even those with bilingual language skills, on average 4-5 years older than the neurological damage that monolingual or one language. Simply, those who regularly use two languages to show signs of senility slower compared to using only one language.
Why did it happen, There is a theory which states that learning a language becomes contok protect cognitive. Another example that could keep the mind active is playing puzzles and games.
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