
Chewing Habit One Side Mouth is Dangerous

Is this for you are used to chew food is only one side of the mouth only? If true, it helps you get used to train the less active side of the mouth to chew. If the left and right sides are not balanced mouth play, it could potentially cause headaches or migraines.

"Chewing food with one side of the mouth causes a thick and strong muscles on only one side. Muscles on the right side of the face and left to be asymmetric," said the expert orthodontic who is also Chairman of the Association of Faculty of Dentistry, Indonesia (AFDOKGI), Prof.. Eky S Soemantri, when met in Jakarta, Wednesday (05/09/2012).

Eky added, asymmetrical facial muscles resulting in muscle or joint disorders called the temporo mandibular joint. Muscle joint disorders can cause disease or migraine headaches.

Chewing food with the two sides of the mouth is also beneficial for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Eky explains, chewing itself has self-cleansing properties. Cud be producing saliva in the mouth. This saliva will naturally fight bacteria in the mouth.

"If only chew on one side, then that will be a clean one side. While the other more risk arising plaque or tartar," he said.

In addition, Eky reminded that while chewing food should also be good. If chewed less smooth then it will aggravate the digestive tract. Overworked stomach will secrete enzymes that are acidic. This acidity can gradually eat away the stomach and cause heartburn as a function of absorption in the stomach is reduced.


  1. OMG,I literally never thought you could have a preference for chewing and just read about 3 articles that show it is true.
    I read them because i realized I have dificulty chewing on my left side (I chew softer, slower and feel like Im forcing it with my brain, as in the right side I chew harder, faster and feels super natural). I am trying chewing gum only on my left side to balance them out.

  2. Can it lead to the other side of the mouth to have weaker muscles? I️ feel like my teeth are loose on the other side where no chewing

    1. Yes it can (from personal experience). After my 4 wisdom teeth were removed the left side some unable to chew due to the pain, so I was only chewing on the right side for a whole month. The muscle on my right jaw is predominately bigger and I can actually feel the muscle difference from the two. I have a really chiseled right side of my face while the left is just flat.. Now I’m planning on only chewing on the left side of my mouth for a whole mouth to validate my theory.

  3. can it cause blockage of nose ?

  4. One side of my jaw is pretty defined while the other isnt. When I smile, it looks asymmetrical. Will I be able to develop the other side of my face or is it too late?

    1. Try only chewing on the less chiseled side of the jaw for a whole month it should make a difference. After wisdom teeth removal I was only chewing on one side of my mouth for a whole month and it became chiseled whole the other side of my jaw had a smaller muscles and was just overall weaker.
