
Chocolate Protect Brain from Stroke Threat

Chocolate is known as the food is not only delicious, but also gives a lot of benefits. There are some reasons to eat this one, including one recent study indicates that chocolate may provide protection to the brain from the threat of stroke.

The study followed more than 37,000 healthy development Swedish men showed that those who eat chocolate often tend to be lower risk of stroke. Other studies also revealed heart-healthy chocolate. Even so, it still is not advisable to eat chocolate excessively.

Respondents involved in this study were interviewed about diet. Their health is also monitored for a decade. The respondents were divided into four groups based on the amount of chocolate they ate, which were rarely eat chocolate, eat on average, never eat, and who ate 63 grams.

Compared with the most mengasup chocolate, they are in the lowest 17 ​​percent risk of stroke during the duration of the study.

Prof Susana Larsson, one of the researchers from the Karolinska Institute said the protective effect of chocolate come from flavonoids in chocolate. "Flavonoids protect against cardiovascular disease because it contains anti-oxidants, anti-clogging, and anti-inflammatory," he said.

In addition, the flavonoids in chocolate also reduces blood cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Although during these previous studies suggest eating more dark chocolate, but in a study conducted Larsson is the most respondents consume milk chocolate.

"Previous studies have shown that chocolate consumption reduced the risk of stroke when eaten in moderation," says Dr Clare Walton from the UK Stroke Association.

The doctors also confirmed that eating chocolate can not replace the benefits of exercise and a healthy diet run.

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