For office workers who have to sit down every day dealing with computers, neck and shoulder pain is difficult to avoid. For hours, you sit down and eyes continued to stare at the screen. Tensions that emerged was generally leads to shoulder pain.
When caught in this situation, try drinking a cup of coffee soon. According to a study published in the journal BMC Research Notes, people who drink coffee before sitting and working at a computer for 90 minutes, does not feel as heavy as neck and back pain those who do not drink coffee.
The researchers, as reported by the Times of India, 48 office workers who make the day-to-day just sitting in front of the computer as an object of research. They were divided into two groups, one group was asked to drink a cup of coffee, and the other group did not.
After that, they were asked to do tasks on the computer for 90 minutes without pause as he analyzed discomfort. As a result, the group who drank reported having less pain than the group that did not.
"The coffee seems to lower the pain commonly found in office workers, because the caffeine in it may stimulate pain receptors barrier," said the researchers from the University of Oslo, Norway.
I drink a coffee it good as well i use nerve renew it also great