
Fasting Preventing Chronic Disease

National Socio-Economic Survey Data (SUSENAS) 2004 shows, multiple risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke increased in the community. The results of the survey showed an increase in unhealthy lifestyles on the people of Indonesia, namely cigarette smoking, lack of physical activity, eating unbalanced, obesity, low fiber diet / lack of fruits and vegetables and consuming high-calorie foods and foods high in animal fat. Of course these conditions should be anticipated by all of us. Fasting Ramadan is an opportunity for the Muslim community to improve the conditions of unhealthy lifestyle is.

Why fasting fix unhealthy lifestyle?

Fasting Ramadan is the Muslim community carried a condition that is medically known as prolonged Intermittent Fasting. Fasting is eating arrangements where we usually eat 3 times to 2 times the distance between the two ate about 14 hours is not consuming food and drink from dawn to break.

By setting this meal, there will be a reduction in food intake or calorie intake. By reducing meal decreased caloric intake, fat intake is also reduced. Reduced fat intake will also reduce the intake of cholesterol. If a person fasts with good laboratory parameters should be improved.

Total cholesterol, triglycerides will decrease. Similarly, bad cholesterol (LDL) will also decrease. Mustinya uric acid levels also decreased, as well as for people who are already suffering from high blood sugar, blood sugar well controlled mustinya. Various studies on the population that reported a decrease in fasting LDL levels and increased HDL levels. This is clearly a positive for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. This does not happen if we apply when breaking the culture of revenge by eating excessive eating.

During Ramadan fasting, should also be for a smoker to reduce cigarette consumption. During fasting, fasting for smokers can not smoke, because smoking invalidate the fast. Smokers can refrain from smoking for 14 hours. After iftar and dawn, smokers must do activities tarawih obligatory prayers and prayers and also need to sleep, so that they will automatically reduce smoking.

During Ramadan, daily activities should be performed. Sleep all day on the grounds of fasting is not recommended, either medically or religiously. During Ramadan fasting compulsory besides conducting worship, community fasting is recommended to add circumcision worship including prayer. Filled evening tarawih prayer there were 11 raka'at was 23 cycles.

Consumption of vegetables and fruits is recommended when open and vegetables. The menu is recommended when breaking and fruit juice consumption and fixed date also eat vegetables at meals and at dawn breaking. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and carbohydrate complex, even for beans also contain vegetable protein.

Finally, by fasting we can adjust our eating, reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, reducing cigarette for a smoke, keep doing the activity and increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Healthy set of activities will make your body healthy and protected from various degenerative diseases such as stroke, heart disease and obesity.

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